Thursday, November 26, 2009


i realized how much the title key comments makes me feel like a pompous douchebag, i mean i wanted something catchy, but in my mind, that title does me no service. Maybe i just want a new title and im trying to justify it, naa, thats a weak title..... new blog

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

And a little like

these are a pair of high top zara shoes i got in the city over the holloween weekend. they have zero support but they are warm and oddly comfy. This pair of shoes gets me excited for summer when i take all my clothes i bought in the winter and mess with them to make them a totally new summer piece. I think imma just cut off the fur, though i do kinda like the fur, i wouldnt be surprised if it goes before summer gets here.

Monday, November 23, 2009

What I hate.

Well, browsing different blogs and forums for the majority of my night here waiting for thanksgiving break to finally come and im finding that there is a lot of anger. It was like all the forums posters and commenters on lookbook felt a strong need to send some of the summer/fall trends, that are now fading into to the past, off for good. Not a bad idea i guess, make some room for new trends by shunning the old ones that we all loved for the time we flaunted them. Well im gunna go a head and contribute but before i humiliate ugg boots(i feel like they have been condemned since i can remember first seeing them in 2005, but they just wont die) i want to say that trend is developed from how the clothes are worn, not the clothes themselves. What differentiates frank Sinatra fadora, from say Jason Mraz, or the obscenely energetic jazzersizer trend of tights and an over sized sweater from the cute, innovative, and comfy girl that is seen rockin the trend now? the people that wear them, and of coarse the tragic influence that they other clothes that are worn might have on the whole look, e.g. all white running shoes and leg warmers. I think my overall idea im trying to get at here is that, be careful in condemning the past, because you'd be surprised how apparent past is in the future. But then again its always nice to blow off some steam from the guy in the ray band shades and oversized scarf that cut you off on your way to lunch today.

yaaa, key comment

Monday, November 2, 2009

fashion firsts: bloging, what a concept

First of many i suppose. Upon arrival for the first time to magnificent New York City this past holloween weekend i found myself staying at my college friend's family friend's house just inside the borders of the SOHO district in New York City. Happened that she used to model, turns out she is divorced to a man very high in the Prada production, turns out all the people at the party have something to do with high fashion directly in the city. I found time to catch myself as i fell into deep amazement at the fact that i had stumbled into an entire room filled of people that can give me answers to just about every question that in anyway plagues the thoughts i have had in the last two weeks, prior to which i made the decision to take a leap from architecture to fashion design as a course of study.

blah blah blah, the night goes on and an old guy, about 50-60 came out to smoke some weed, which was a little startling at first but slowly grew on me to the point where it made me question why it was alarming at all in the first place, as me and my friend are trying to escape the majority of the crowds uneasy but apparent outreach to rekindle their adolescence. So some how the conversation went from weed, to being in the "creative business" as justification, to mass production of some where nere 50 different designs board shorts being sold to macy by the old guy dressed up in scrubs for Halloween. He, who later became known as doctor pothead between me and my college friend, said the way to get integrated into the fashion world early on is to make a name for myself. So blogging, here i am. Eat me alive, constructively, but thoroughly.

So the first of my name to been brandish to the masses of the internet, i guess i will soon develop some of creativity or just something a little more interesting a relevant to talk about soon, or even some kind of interactive standpoint on what i want to say, but as for now, i just needed to test the waters, see what this entails of my effort. Now to test out snazy sign out lines, then back to the portfolio
and i suppose ill throw a sketch of a look im working on for my portfolio for school,
start moderately for the initial test,

And there, key commented...