Thursday, August 19, 2010

so yesterday as i was enjoying my day off, I came across a photo journal in GQ magazine of the current street style in Paris and there is this picture (above) of these sick looking harem pants that i just had to have. Sooo, what do you do on a rainy day at the beach: spend 7 hours on a sewing project, harem pants diy style. And i must say i think the came out well

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Death Of the McQueen

So I found out Alexander McQueen died recently, which really took me back a little. I can't say that i was a true McQueen fanatic, but the man was in no way short of artistry and boldly intricate design. He was a great mind in the fashion world, no doubt. Here are some McQueen looks i enjoy...but the clothing aside, they way he styles his looks, no lie, kinda creeps me out

Sunday, August 15, 2010

ebay stole all my money

i wore the same wool coat from Zara all last winter and im sick of it so i decided to spend some hard earned money on some coats for the up and coming bitter cold season in upstate new york

Gucci Fall 2010 RTW is killin a little bit

only if i had a couple grand to blow on a nice bag and a cardigan, only if....

Saturday, July 17, 2010

pushing for pedaller

ive always been one to want to disregard the sex orientation of clothing, starting from wearing girls american eagle jeans in the eighth grade before skinny jeans penetrated common fashion style. I came across pedaler clothing the other day and was impressed by pedaler's unisex line, having no shame to create pieces that can be worn and worked in different ways to suite all styles of the sexes. And even better its geared towards cyclist using sustainable, yet study fabric. a little pricey, but the concept is key.

finding the fix

Since it is summer and all, the weather is just rip for riding a bike. So Ive been getting back into my fixed gear bike. Im really feeling this fixie scene and its overwhelming practice of customization, making your bike yours, nothing ever seen before. Right now working at the shave ice stand of the boardwalk among other frustrations in my life are pushing me towards finding something to calm my nerve. I mention my job among other because the reason i am becoming so frustrated with the task is inevitably complacency that comes with working some where for too long, but as i have been working there for some time now I now have a good amount of money piling up to viciously and frivolously throw at my bike. So currently it is in the state that i bought it last summer, more or less, and im hoping that in a few weeks from now i can refer back to this post and have a transformed, personalized bike.

summer time

This summer has not been what i hoped, and im slowly loosing confidence in any social interraction with the people that surround me here so i have decided to make this summer more introspective. I can't blame everyone else for my lack of social savvy, so ive looked to all those activities i enjoy and am trying to cultivate them to make myself more interesting to myself, and thus to others. First, i decided to read a book for enjoyment for the first time in my life. The Shadow of the Wind is the name, by carlos ruiz zafon. Elegantly written, touching on the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly of the travels a boy trying to uncover the life of a writter that he feels strange and powerful ominous connections with. Barcelona, a wonderful setting for the book, puts the reader in a mysteriously sexy, and inevitably condemned mood. Oh the danger.