Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Haslam Pro Model

i definitely digg these. Not more than the rieder pros, but i can appreciate the sort of simple yet sasquatch in them. If these can make you tech like the canadian man beast himself, im game. check out his promotional video commercial thing at and dont go to Its some sort of porn, contraband, terrorist site that thankfully my antivirus wont let me go to. but i cant say im not curious as to watch it the site actually beholds...????

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Music to look out the window to...

 In a frenzy of boredom last week i set up my room so that my chair to my desk is set right up next to the window. Now that I have discovered blogging as a new way to spend my infinitely un-obligated life i spend a considerable amount of time in this chair, thus about a third of considerable time looking out of my window. And if it were a nice sunny day with green trees and something to actually look at maybe my looking out the window music  would be a bit more upbeat, but since there is just naked starving tree branches, huge piles of dirty snow and the occasional middle class sedan passing by, Pandit's "artichoke" has the right melody to match the monotony of the world directly outside of my window.

Archetype clothing

Recent occurrences in life have left me with more free time on my hands then ever before. So I decided im going to do something with the free time, and instead of sit on my ass and watch movies all day, im going to start up my first clothing company. This is what i have in the works for my logo. It is to be architecturally influenced, street oriented, yet refined and simple. im somewhat limited in complexity of the symbol considering my shirt design. But overall i think it looks pretty good, and it is a good foundation if i wanted to maybe embellish it a little bit down the line. All i need now is a part time job so i actually have to some money to invest.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dirt McGuirt

etnies in texas for KOTR and im blown away right now. Tre flip nose man tre flip out? nose man kickflip nose man? Dont let me spoil it, but MALTO IS BEAST. and so is sheckler

This is what you get when you mix Eric Kristanto and speech bubbles. This is Kristanto's entry to the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art contest for the best design for the new museum that is to accompany the other amazing NYC museums. Check out more from floor plans and cross section to the initial inspiration at

dylan rieder is the man

Dylan rieder has become one of my favorite skaters. The guy rips sooooo hard and looks classy as hell doing it. The signature shoes are massive classy and his part: massive. thats it.
K in the works to use for an emblem/symbol for the blog and anything else i might need to bomb. Gotta smooth it out a bit....
Can you spot the z and the s?

Thursday, January 27, 2011